Saturday, February 16, 2019

2. How Do You Soothe Yourself When You are Upset...

FYI - this is post 2 in my effort to complete 300 Writing Prompts as part of my New Year's resolution.

As soon as I landed on this, I had to smile!  Obviously, there are different situations and different solutions for everything, but I immediately went to my go-to comforts - crazy, manic cleaning and "wringing my feet".

I tend to be a nurturer, a bit of a pleaser, a glass-half-full and a "I choose happiness" kind of girl.  So, even when there is an opportunity to fight - I pass.  I will fight for others, for what I believe in, for my family and to protect myself if pushed.  But the everyday small stuff...thoughtless words, selfish drivers, people who think the rules don't apply to them (a full cart in the express line, speeding up the "lane closed ahead" lane to cut in front of the people who did it the fair way, parents who buy privileges for their kids and the educators/coaches/bosses who allow know who you are!) I just don't see the point in upsetting myself for something I have little or no control over.

That's not to say on certain days when I'm tired or stressed or hungry or emotional that I don't get upset.

So, the other day when one of my kiddos chose to be really unkind to me for some trivial reason I was full-on angry and hurt.  Nothing hurts me as deeply as one of my children choosing a behavior that is hurtful or selfish or outright mean...Even though I know I am their safe place and if they have those emotions or are feeling unheard or frustrated or hurt, I am the easy one to unleash on...I will always forgive them and love them and dig deep to understand them.  Especially now that they are older and I am rarely allowed to help or "fix it" anymore.  Anyway, they left and I went into full crazy mom cleaning.

It usually starts with a pair of dirty socks on the floor or a dish or cup left by the couch - or worse - right by the sink, unrinsed and not put into the dishwasher, less than a foot away....arrrrggggghhhh!

And for 15-20 minutes I am a crazy woman!  It begins with a mass scooping of all things that don't belong - the socks on the floor, the dishes, pencils, her stethoscope, his sneakers, papers and more papers, the evil tags and those plastic tag holders from new clothes and folded laundry...oh my gosh! We fold their laundry and put it in piles for them to carry up and put's already in piles.  But it sits there...taunting me....  Anyway, it all goes on the stairs - right in the middle so you can't possibly walk up without picking something up and (in my mind) taking it upstairs.  Then I am inspired to dust and maybe run the Shark.  I usually find the dishwasher either full of clean dishes that they pretend they don't see so they don't ever have to empty it or full of dirty dishes that they pretend they didn't know about so they don't have to put the soap in and start it.  Either way, I have a project that I probably shouldn't have to can't always be "my turn".  But it feels so good to get it done.  There is something extremely calming to finally sit down in a clean, tidy house.  Now, if I'm really upset (or it's my day off) this cleaning almost always extends to the downstairs powder room.  Floors, rugs, towels, sinks, potty, mirrors...very satisfying!

In the end - I am still disappointed with the behavior or situation, but I am so happy with my surroundings and myself that I always feel better.  I have that joy you get when you cross the less pleasant things off your 'list' - even though I didn't actually HAVE a list.  It's a joy and a satisfaction that always cheers me up.  No idea if it will work for you, but man, it's a win for me almost every time!  Oooh!  One more thing - music is a must!  Right now I am all about the Amazon Prime Music Florida Georgia Line station!  But the 70's station, Kacey Musgraves, James Taylor stations all work.

My other "soother" has been my soother for as long as I can remember.  I wring my feet.  You know, like when someone wrings their hands, kind of rubbing them together almost like you're washing your hands over and over...but without the soap and water?!  And with your feet!!!

I have to be in socks or bare feet and I prefer to be laying down under a blanket or the warm covers of my bed and I 'wring my feet'.  Some evenings, I go to sleep feeling a bit down.  Days are long.  Life is not as 'easy' as I had planned.  Money can be tight.  And, as the nurturer in my home, sometimes I go without feeling nurtured for longer periods than I would love.  I used to be cherished.  My daddy cherished me until the day he died.  I have constantly proven myself very self-sufficient, independent and 'tough' and probably given the false impression that I don't need to be cherished or taken care of.  Probably somewhat true - but that doesn't change the fact that I WANT to be cherished and taken care of.  Don't get me sweet husband provides, is someone I admire, makes me laugh til I can't speak, shares most of my best memories, is my ultimate partner in crime, child raisin' (he is probably the best dad on the planet!), and life.  But sometimes want him to fill my car up with gas, or go check my tires when I mention the light came on, or rub my feet, or take care of me the way I take care of everyone else.  And my children are at points in their lives when they are figuring things out.  I have been through and seen more than many and I have a LOT of opinions on how to do better than I did.  But they aren't listening, just like I didn't listen.

So, some nights or evenings when it's just me - I find my mind racing when I lay down and try to relax.  And I "wring my feet".  I calms me.  When I realize that I'm doing it, it makes me smile.  I can still remember my first bedroom on Brice Avenue because of it - mom and daddy had some late evenings when he was really active in the Jaycees and I would "wring my feet" to put myself to sleep when I was home with a sitter.  I remember when I was going through one of the worst points in my life due to an abusive relationship that I just couldn't tell anyone about because I was afraid they wouldn't believe me or support me or would accuse me of helped me keep my sanity.  It's been at least 50 years of feet wringing and I am guessing if my fate is that of my mom's and Alzheimer's ultimately takes my life, I will go into the light in socks pulled all the way up wringing my feet, sending love to my family and heading into heaven looking for Mom and Daddy.

#300writingprompts #newyearsresolution #playingwithwords #wordtherapy

Thursday, February 14, 2019

What do the clothes you are wearing right now say about you...

Heck of a first prompt....

I enjoy clothes...I don't LOVE clothes, but I enjoy them.  I especially enjoy clothes for easy days.  Yoga pants, leggings, comfy jeans and oversized sweatshirts or sweaters or cardigans.  Boots, sneakers, Chucks and these delightful Bjorn sandals I scored last summer on clearance that are like sandal hugs for my feet!

I have a classic had-two-kids-after-35, hereditary apple shaped, love-to-swim-but-can-easily-avoid-all-other-exercise kind of body.  Ooooh...and I adore food.  That never helps create a sleek physique!  So, maybe that's why I don't LOVE clothes.

I do have a pretty good relationship with my body.  I cleaned up my diet, left a toxic work environment,

(I need to interrupt this writing because the world stops for Chris Janson's Buy Me a Boat!  I find joy and happy feet and all kinds of humor in this song...………)

Okay, sorry about that!  Anyway - me and my body are doing fine - I'm 75 pounds lighter than I was 3 years ago, I have a few scars and 3 tiny tattoos from my SUCCESSFUL cancer treatment that I celebrate every morning and the nights when I'm not too tired to change into jammies.  But there are styles I just can't pull off.  That little bit of reality keeps my relationship with fashion more of the "good friends" version than the "head-over-heels-in-love" version that I enjoyed back in the day!

So, today - Valentine's Day - I felt compelled to wear red.  I have a couple of red options - because red is good on me!  But, for the first time in about 13 days, I am taking a day off!!!!  I also have the kind of list of things to accomplish that one has when they haven't had an entire day off in a while...which means going out in public!  I was also supposed to meet a friend for coffee this morning, but she woke up to a sick child and that was the end of that.  I tell you all of this to explain how I decided on what to wear today.

I decided basic black Old Navy leggings would make me happiest on this "first day off in a long time" that was easy.

Oh yeah - it's 75 degrees out's February and yesterday I needed a coat!  Texas weather!  And windy as all get out!

Thankfully, as I said - it's Valentine's Day, so I went right for the red shirt options.  Too warm for the sweater or Ohio State sweatshirt.  Too warm for the yummy corduroy jacket thingy that I love.  Too cool for the flowy boho Old Navy clearance find.  But, the suede jacket-shirt that I've owned for so many years that I outgrew it and then re-claimed it when I lost weight was the obvious choice.

Now, it took much longer to type that than it took to actually make the choice and put the shirt on.  There was the cami decision, but that was pretty split-second as well.  I decided on a white, extra long cami because white makes an outfit feel casual and lighter and the extra long is just a nice thing to do for the world as I venture out in 57-year-old bottom is better left unseen!

I also went with mismatched Christmas socks over the leggings, under the boots because they  make me happy.  I would be fine with year-round Christmas...or at least every other month celebrations.  So, I keep the Christmas socks at the ready for those days when a little secret whimsy is just the ticket.  And, as mentioned - I went with boots.  I don't have to do any prolonged walking, it isn't raining and they are SOOOOOO comfortable. I am pretty sure they went out of style sometime last year, but I don't care.  And, because it's my day off - my favorite Kendra's.

Good heavens - what does what I'm wearing say about me?????
  • I'm a bit of a rule follower (red on Valentine's Day)
  • I'm a bit conservative or whatever it means to dress in what I feel suits my body type
  • I choose joy whenever and wherever I can even if it is just Christmas socks and comfy, out of style boots
  • I drank the Texas Kendra Scott Kool-Aid...and I love it!
  • I am comfortable in my own skin because not once did I think about what's trendy or what might impress the world of folks I might see today
  • I like to wear things that are bright when I'm not wearing black
  • I fully understand what will happen if I choose incorrectly and have to spend an entire day in something that does not make me feel good about myself, so I choose deliberately
  • I also don't really care what anyone else thinks about what I am wearing...I am pretty much only worried about how I feel in what I'm wearing.
None of that was really a revelation. But I can honestly say that I have never really sat down and analyzed what my clothes say about  me.  And I get dressed every single day!  

I am sitting at Starbucks right now and I am crazy aware of what everyone around me - sitting, coming in and out, walking by the window to the restaurant next door - is wearing.  What does it say about them?  How did they choose?  Do they have mismatched Christmas socks on?  Did I remember to look at the backside of me this morning...because I am almost positive this one lady did NOT!  There's a lot of easy comfort at Starbucks this morning.  A little fashion.  Several pairs of cute shoes.  And ear pods...which I just don't get...are everywhere!  

I will say that at first glance, almost everyone seems really comfortable with their choices.  They look like their clothes belong to them.  The exceptions, the folks that just don't look at ease in what they are wearing - too high heels, to tight tops, too short shorts - are obvious.  I guess there's a lesson there.  Find your style, the things that make you feel good, spend a bit to get quality (or be an awesome sale shopper like me!) and you get to worry less in your every day, every minute.  One less thing to worry about seems like a very good thing, now that I think about it.

#300writingprompts #newyearsresolution #playingwithwords #wordtherapy

300 Ideas

LAST Christmas...not the one that we celebrated roughly 2 months ago...the one before that!  My son got me a book called 300 Writing Prompts.  I'm not going to lie...I asked for this specifically.  I was missing writing.  I guess I got hooked when I was blogging almost daily about my journey with mom.  I enjoyed the process.  I enjoyed the results.  I felt heard (even when no one read the post!).  It was therapy.  And then mom passed away and I grieved and moved onto something else - a Paleo lifestyle.

Let me tell you something about blogging about food and's NOT therapy.  It's work!  It requires organization, photography skills, a more linear style of cooking than I prescribe to...AND if you forget to take a picture of a step or if you are so hungry or excited or absentminded as to not get a pristine picture of the finished's like it didn't even happen.  So, say the recipe ended up amazing, but there was no picture of a step or two or the finished product.  And say, like me, you tweak and flourish and add and forget to write things down (knowing absolutely that you will remember exactly what you did...)...well, you have to fake it or apologize or DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!  I loved the cooking.  I loved the creating.  I loved 95% of the finished products.  And, I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the sharing delicious recipes...because, let's be honest - there is not a lot of super easy, really flavorful, affordable ingredient, clean recipes out there.

Anyway, it just wasn't for me.

So, this year - mid-January, let's say - I decided to make a couple of resolutions.  Obviously, I'm going to lose 2000 pounds, work out daily, be more grateful, practice yoga, volunteer, join a book club, drink more wine, start a progressive dinner club and write a cookbook...obviously!

Back to of my resolutions was to write more.  And I thought my 300 Writing Prompts book was the perfect place to start.  Guess what?  I do NOT enjoy writing the old-fashioned way.  With pen and paper.  And certainly not in this tiny little book.  I need space.  I need a keyboard.  I need headphones and some random music and a coffee and both hands!  So, once again - I turn to the free Google Blogger platform - because I haven't quite won a million dollars or become less frugal or found a way to not want to spend all my money on my family.  And, I have no expectation that anyone will read this.  But it is time.  Time to get back to my favorite pastime that does not involved a beach and a beverage.  I'm going to tackle these 300 prompts right her.  And I'm going to finish them all by the end of the I probably won't have time to lose 2000 pounds or start that dinner club or join that book club or write that cookbook.  I think I will drink the wine, work out a little more, practice yoga and volunteer.  I am already more grateful than I've been in a long time.  (I have to make myself do it, but it has been a satisfying, life-enriching experience!)

So, if you happen by this sight and wonder why it has no theme or real purpose and isn't really teaching you anything and there isn't a recipe in sight (unless I decide to post one!)… it's just me writing.  It's just me getting my therapy on.  It's just me doing something I want to do and actually making time to do it!

Wish me luck!

My rules are going to be - I will not be going in order of the prompts in the book and I will not allow myself to search out prompts that I feel like writing about on any particular day...I'm just going to open the book and whatever the Universe presents to me - I will honor it and write.  I am guessing some will be way too long and some may be ridiculously short...but those will probably be the minority since I am a life-long rambler! If you are interested - I found the book at Target (that seems like a good sign to me...since Target is also therapy!)

2. How Do You Soothe Yourself When You are Upset...

FYI - this is post 2 in my effort to complete 300 Writing Prompts as part of my New Year's resolution. As soon as I landed on this, I ...